Karaoke Music / Chansons English-4 / Pet Shop Boys - Miserablism

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Paroles de chanson incluses dans le fichier MIDI .kar

/It seems to me there's something serious beginning /A new approach found to the meaning of life \Deny that happiness is open as an option /And disappointment disappears overnight \Say that life is an impossible scheme /Face the facts \That's what it's always been /Relax /What you see is what you see /And what you get /Is a new philosophy \Miserablism /Is is and isn't isn't \Miserablism /Is is and isn't isn't \Mean while your life is still directed as a drama /With realism on the sparsest of sets \Every performance seems to reach the same conclusion /No happy endings but a message to depress \Saying Life is an impossible scheme /That's the point of this philosophy \Miserablism /Is is and isn't isn't \Miserablism /Is is and isn't isn't \But if is wasn't and isn't were /You can't be sure but you might find estacy \Just for the sake of it make sure you're always frowning /It shows the world that you've got substance and depth \You know life is a impossible scheme and love /An imperceptable dream \Miserablism /Is is and isn't isn't \Miserablism /Is is and isn't isn't \Miserablism /Is is and isn't isn't \Miserablism /Is is and isn't isn't \Miserablism /Is is and isn't isn't \Miserablism /Is is and isn't isn't \Miserablism /Is is and isn't isnt \Miserablism /Is is and isn't isn't \Miserable.
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